What is Acupuncture?
Originally developed in ancient China, acupuncture is a comprehensive medical system that is used to diagnosis, treat and prevent illness. Through the insertion of hair thin needles, acupuncture stimulates specific points on the skin which correlate to internal organs and bodily functions. With a clinical history of over 2,500 years, acupuncture is used to relieve pain, remedy acute and chronic ailments, strengthen the immune system and reduce stress and tension.
How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is based on the ancient Chinese theory of Qi (energy) flowing through discrete channels in the body, similar but not identical to the nervous and blood circulatory systems. The flow of Qi is assessed by palpation, pulse and tongue diagnosis, which are combined with other signs and symptoms to identify imbalances. Acupuncture regulates the Qi by increasing it in areas where it is deficient and draining it where it is in excess. This regulation supports the healing process, restoring the body to a balanced state of health.
Is it effective?
Traditionally, acupuncture was done at the change of season to prevent sickness and strengthen the body. Any illness that shows even the smallest sign of improvement can be more quickly resolved by acupuncture. This means that acupuncture helps recovery from acute disorders such as colds, flu and bronchitis so that they do not become recurrent.
Many chronic illnesses improve or resolve completely with acupuncture. Some of these include migraine headaches, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, arthritis, back pain, insomnia and digestive problems.
Gynecological problems such as PMS, menstrual cramps, irregular and heavy periods, infertility, fibroids and menopausal symptoms are all very responsive to acupuncture.
Many chronic illnesses improve or resolve completely with acupuncture. Some of these include migraine headaches, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, arthritis, back pain, insomnia and digestive problems.
Gynecological problems such as PMS, menstrual cramps, irregular and heavy periods, infertility, fibroids and menopausal symptoms are all very responsive to acupuncture.
How many treatments will I need?
The number and frequency of treatments depend on your condition. Initially, weekly office visits are recommended, with seven treatments being the average for the majority of ailments. Some chronic complaints may require up to three months of acupuncture.
Is it Safe?
Acupuncturists use pre-sterilized needles that are packaged for single use and disposed of as medical waste.
Does it hurt?
No. Some patients do not even notice when the needles are inserted or removed, while others may feel a slight pinching sensation. The needles are left in place for approximately 20 minutes, with most patients falling asleep during treatment.
How will I feel after Acupuncture?
Usually patients feel deeply relaxed both during and after acupuncture. Some experience immediate total or partial relief from their pain or other symptoms. Often the most dramatic results come from the initial treatment. To retain this benefit, it is recommended that you not drink alcohol and avoid heavy labor or a strenuous workout after acupuncture.
Acceptance of Acupuncture
The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved acupuncture for more than 40 medical and psychological conditions.
Some of them include:
• colds & influenza
• fibromyalgia
• post-stroke syndromes
• digestive disorders
• allergies & asthma
• chronic pain
• migraines
• smoking cessation
• gynecological conditions
• depression & anxiety
• CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirms that acupuncture is a useful alternative or supplemental therapy to conventional medical treatment for stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low-back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. The NIH adds that acupuncture may be included in comprehensive management programs for these conditions.
Through its National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the NIH continues to research additional areas in which acupuncture could be used to treat illness.
Some of them include:
• colds & influenza
• fibromyalgia
• post-stroke syndromes
• digestive disorders
• allergies & asthma
• chronic pain
• migraines
• smoking cessation
• gynecological conditions
• depression & anxiety
• CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) confirms that acupuncture is a useful alternative or supplemental therapy to conventional medical treatment for stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low-back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome. The NIH adds that acupuncture may be included in comprehensive management programs for these conditions.
Through its National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the NIH continues to research additional areas in which acupuncture could be used to treat illness.