What is Chinese herbal medicine?
Chinese herbal medicine is the therapeutic use of plant, mineral and animal products for the treatment of disease. Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (The Divine Farmer’s Materia Medica Classic), the first written work of herbal medicine, dates from 300 BC. The description and classification of medicinal substances in this text became the foundation for the study of the therapeutic effect of herbs on the human body. Research continues into the theory and treatment of disease first suggested by this ancient book
How are Chinese herbal formulas prescribed?
An herbal formula is a combination of single herbs selected for specific therapeutic properties and their ability to work in synergy. Prescribed to affect specific organs and systems, herbs are also used to balance and increase energy.
A practitioner will recommend an herbal formula after evaluating a patients’ chief complaint, signs and symptoms, pulse, tongue and abdominal findings. In simple terms, if a patient is hot, herbs are chosen to cool their body, and if cold, to warm it. If their complaints indicate deficiency or weakness, herbs to increase energy are prescribed or in a hyperactive or excess state, herbs are chosen to calm and sedate the condition.
A practitioner will recommend an herbal formula after evaluating a patients’ chief complaint, signs and symptoms, pulse, tongue and abdominal findings. In simple terms, if a patient is hot, herbs are chosen to cool their body, and if cold, to warm it. If their complaints indicate deficiency or weakness, herbs to increase energy are prescribed or in a hyperactive or excess state, herbs are chosen to calm and sedate the condition.
In what form are herbs taken and for how long?
Herbal formulas are dispensed as concentrated granular extracts, so that they can be easily taken half an hour before a meal. When prescribed, the effects of the herbal treatment need to be evaluated at two week intervals and adjusted accordingly. The length of treatment will vary depending on the severity of the condition and individual response.
Is Chinese herbal medicine safe?
When prescribed by a qualified, well-trained herbal practitioner, Chinese herbal medicine is extremely effective and safe.
What conditions can Chinese herbal medicine treat?
Instead of treating only symptoms, Chinese herbal medicine is best used to support the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Long before a specific disease condition is diagnosed, imbalances in sleep, digestion, mood and energy level can be detected and treated so as not to become problematic. Used in conjunction with acupuncture, herbs are especially helpful in treating the following conditions:
• digestive disorders
• gynecological conditions
• respiratory problems
• insomnia
• urinary tract disorders
• depression & anxiety
• digestive disorders
• gynecological conditions
• respiratory problems
• insomnia
• urinary tract disorders
• depression & anxiety